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And so The Gun takes its first victim. I think the Inaugural Bullet was used on the right guy, too.

There are two things I’d like to mention to you today:

First is the Limited Edition Locus Trade Paperback #1, which collects the first three issues of Locus. You can read about it by clicking here. I’m givin’ away free artwork! Check it out. As of this writing, over half of them are still available. I will probably end this offer the first week of February or so. More than one person has asked if it would still be available in early February because they get paid right around then. If you really want a copy but something’s standing in your way, let me know! I don’t want anyone to miss out.

Second is a thing my good friend Vic talked me into called” sARTurday Night Live”. This is a Google Hangout broadcasted live to Youtube. I will be inking next week’s Silk & Honey page live for that. If you’re interested in how Silk & Honey gets made, or if you’d like to see how inking with a brush works (it’s a lot of fun and everyone should do it!), please check it out! Click here for the details. If it’s popular, I might do something similar again!

If none of that interests you, that’s cool, too! Thanks for checking out this week’s page.

Stop by next week! Spook and Silk say their first words to each other. You don’t wanna miss that.


Ael exist in two places at once. Kinda like their body is here but their soul is on another plane. You can kill the body all you like, but they keep coming back.

In Locus, Spook had a bunch of Ael skulls on display at the lake house. Every last one of them had a bullet hole, because he can’t kill Ael without The Gun. No one can.

There’s a scene coming up that explains this and something else about the Ael that will be a surprise.