[REQ_ERR: COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST] [KTrafficClient] Something is wrong. Enable debug mode to see the reason. Silk And Honey » 2014-03-26


Forget all that stuff I said. Just RUN!

Or fly, as the case may be.

Only 12 pages left! We’ve got one transition scene next page, then it’s the Final Scene. Thanks for sticking around for almost two years to check out Silk & Honey! If you know someone who digs cowboys and monsters, bring them by! Because once we’re done here, I’m gonna start up Locus: Godslayer.

And I’m reading on the Facebook Tal page that there might be a new Talislanta book available via Kickstarter at some point this year. That would be fun to throw some art at! Where the Tal fans at?

Plus I’m coloring a comic for DJ Coffman. Did I tell you guys that yet? He’s the guy who got me the Kiss 4K job. Where the Kiss fans at?

This is gonna be a good year for me gettin’ some art Out There.


In her succubus form, Silk’s pretty tall because she’s got all that extra leg going for her. That’s why she grows between panel 1 and panel 2.

As for Spook: He’s 6’9″ tall. Locus was wearing 7″ heels almost all through the comic, which made Spook seem shorter than he is next to her.

Seriously: the size discrepancies between the characters in Locus got blurred and confused a lot more than it should have, and all because of footwear or monster legs. It made me crazy at times.

It’s something I’m going to pay extra attention to in Godslayer.


Hampstead does a fantastic job of staying out of the range of The Gun throughout his weird, wheel-shaped, never-ending life. That’s because Spook’s right: if he gets shot with it, he’d be dead FOREVER. Stuck in that weird place we saw briefly in Locus #13 and #20.

Xel’Duum and The Bloodied Ones came back from that place because the Sepharan pretty much forced them back, for her own nefarious reasons. Locus returned because her parents used Una’to Xel (The Kiss of Life) to bring her back. We will see how that affects her once Godslayer gets rolling.

You’re correct on Spook being a smooth gentleman, too! This summer I’ll be telling the story on how Spook and Moondoggie met, and you’ll get to see just how smooth he is!

This is gonna be a good year for Locus comics. 🙂