[REQ_ERR: COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST] [KTrafficClient] Something is wrong. Enable debug mode to see the reason. Silk And Honey » 2013-07-31


I watched a bunch of lion attack videos on YouTube before drawing this fight scene, and it totally changed the fight. I realized that I’d originally added a lot of bad decisions to the sphinx’s attack plan. In real life, lions don’t fool around. They jump on you and bite the hell out of you till you’re done moving.

Go check out lion attack videos on YouTube! But not if you’re squeamish.

Stay tuned! This may or may not go the direction you think it might.


In a previous version of the script, the Sphinx finds the burnt book at the Watchmaker’s house and gives it to Hampstead. So she knew about The Gun, and this fight went much differently.

But she doesn’t know about it, which means she’s in for two nasty surprises.